如何体验斯特恩格罗夫2024年夏季系列音乐会 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
斯特恩林 happens every year and typically marks the beginning of summer.


It's a singular San Francisco summer tradition: the 斯特恩林 concert series. 令人惊叹的艺术家,美丽的风景,最重要的是,它是免费的!

斯特恩格罗夫是贝博体彩app的夏季传统. 庆祝第87季, visitors and locals alike have seen legendary performances in one of the city's most beautiful spots for free. 是的,你读对了——免费的!

斯特恩格罗夫节 has released its lineup for the upcoming Sunday concert season, 从6月23日持续到8月. 25, 2024.



今天, 斯特恩林, 一个被巨大的桉树包围的天然圆形剧场, 红木, 还有冷杉树, 是北加州最受欢迎的音乐会场地之一吗. 但事情并不总是这样的. 回来 in the 1840s, it was just a wild stretch of sand dunes and marshes. George Greene and his family are the first known San Franciscans to tame this patch of land.

几十年后的1931年,这块土地被罗莎莉. 斯特恩把它赠给了这座城市,以纪念她的丈夫西格蒙德. 夫人. Stern declared that the site must be preserved as a park in which the public could enjoy free music, 跳舞, 还有戏剧表演. 近90年后,她的承诺得到了兑现!

All proceeds of 斯特恩林 Festival concerts benefit the continuation of this special tradition.


每场音乐会仍将免费向公众开放, 但门票必须提前在网上购买. 下午两点.m. 每次活动前12天,将通过 www.sterngrove.org 免费入场,先到先得. 



音乐会的日期 & 表演者

2024演出季的所有音乐会将于下午2点开始.m. 表演者如有变动,恕不另行通知.


2024季将从Tegan和Sara开始, 由双胞胎姐妹泰根和萨拉·奎因组成的加拿大独立流行二人组. Recognized globally for their unique harmonies and introspective lyrics, 他们的音乐以爱情为主题, 身份, 个人成长.


Chicano Batman, an LA-based band, has a highly creative musical imagination. Their prismatic musicality is infused with 灵魂ful yet unflinching honesty in their lyrics.


贝博体彩app交响乐团, 在指挥家埃德温·欧沃特的领导下, will be performing a program that includes Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's "Symphony No. 和亚伦·科普兰的《贝博体彩》. 百老汇明星杰西卡·沃斯克也将参加演出, 谁将演唱一组受加州启发的歌曲.


准将以他们的R&比如《贝博体彩》,”“简单,和“布里克豪斯”,是摩城的顶级乐队之一, boasting a repertoire that included over 50 albums and numerous chart-toppers.


马塞戈是一位将内省与外向结合在一起的艺术家, 幽默的爱, 以及娴熟的音乐技巧. 你可能从热门歌曲《贝博体彩app》中认识他. 


Franc Moody has become widely popular among their fans through their 灵魂, 恐慌, 还有宇宙迪斯科的声音, which they have showcased across several EP projects and their debut album released in 2020.


Alex G是Alex Giannascoli的舞台别名, 一个歌手, 作曲家, and multi-instrumentalist who built his reputation with intimate lo-fi pop that combines strong melodic sensibilities with a ragged, 听起来冲动的表演风格.


Herbie Hancock is a pioneering figure who helped create a groundbreaking sound in 爵士乐. In the 1970s, he released record-breaking albums that combined electric 爵士乐 with 恐慌 and rock. He also ventured into electronic 跳舞 sounds with "Rockit" and "Future Shock" while continuing to work in an acoustic setting with V.S.O.P.


Lucinda Williams is a celebrated singer/作曲家 known for her fiercely independent music style. Blues, folk, country, and rock inspire her unpretentious yet emotionally powerful lyrics. Despite being compared to other musicians, her execution and performance are in a class of their own.

8月24日 & 25 -大野餐

This year's season finale will be bigger and better than you have ever experienced! 有史以来第一次, 大野餐, 节日的年度季末筹款活动, 将持续两天. This event is key to 斯特恩林's success and helps support its mission of providing free concerts and arts education programs. 


Sylvan Esso is an indie-electronic duo renowned for their captivating blend of catchy melodies, 复杂的节拍, 还有深情的歌声. The duo seamlessly merges folk-inspired lyricism with pulsating electronic rhythms, 创造一种既具有感染力又发人深省的声音.

In 2011, Poolside set out to produce appropriately chill music for summer soirees, a light but 跳舞able kind of music with sunny vibes and liquid rhythm that he dubbed "Daytime Disco."


查卡·汗定义了什么是偶像. 全世界都在庆祝她进入岩石 & Roll Hall of Fame in 2023, marking an incredible 50 years of musical excellence. 荣获10项格莱美奖, 她的热门歌曲超越了音乐类型, 体现了流行音乐的精髓, 灵魂, 爵士乐, 福音, 经典, 和恐慌.



想充分利用你在斯特恩格罗夫的经历? 以下是一些内幕消息:

  • While the main entrance at the corner of 19th Avenue and Sloat Boulevard is easy to find, 沿着瓦沃纳街向北有额外的入口. These less crowded entrances may allow you to get in quicker and find a seat.
  • You'll want to be on your best early bird game since seating at 斯特恩林 is general admission. 所有入口在音乐会日中午开放.
  • 你知道斯特恩·格罗夫有自行车男仆吗? 他们所做的! Forget the hassle of parking your car and take your bike there instead. Plus, when the concert is over, you can take a scenic ride along the nearby Great Highway.
  • 在音乐会的日子里,在附近停车会很困难. 我们鼓励您使用公共交通工具或拼车. However, if getting there with your vehicle is the only way, make things easy on yourself by using SpotHero 提前预留停车位.
  • 如果你不想坐在毯子或低矮的草坪椅上, 这里有可以预订的野餐桌. 捐赠1美元即可获得野餐桌座位,500 or more available for all concerts except 大野餐 on 8月24日 and 25. 更多信息,请发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护)


斯特恩格罗夫与贝博体彩app当地哥伦比亚广播公司的分支机构合作, KPIX和KBCW, 直播今年几乎所有的演唱会.



泰勒是老大. 全球内容经理 & 贝博体彩app旅游公司的通讯部. He has lived in San Francisco since 2015 and has been part of the San Francisco Travel team for just as long. He enjoys splashy production numbers and outdoor sporting events equally, which means you can usually find him at one of San Francisco’s many great theaters or at Oracle Park, 为巨人队加油. 

The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.