
A SF Field Guide

A Cannabis Shop How To Guide for Visitors - dedicated to demystifying the cannabis shop experience and welcoming visitors to explore something new.

贝博体彩app有一些最好的 cannabis 世界各地的体验.

Just like our 不同的社区, 我们的大麻店提供独特的氛围, sublime designs, 以及反映周围社区的经验. 从那些有明显的本地感觉的人到那些更倾向于高端服务的人, 我们的大麻店是您在整个城市的强化旅程的出发点. 有这么多的选择, 做一些计划来发现符合你兴趣的当地宝石并没有坏处, curiosity, itinerary, 个人风格.

Ready to Shop?

For some, 这将是你第一次光顾大麻店, 这可能看起来势不可挡, 就像特色食品店或高档红酒店一样. 在你进入之前,深吸一口气,让烦恼随风而去. 在一个以包容精神著称的城市, 贝博体彩app的大麻商店习惯于为各种经验水平的顾客提供服务. 无论您是大麻新手还是经验丰富的大麻鉴赏家, 一个有趣和互动的大麻体验在等着你. 所有人都被邀请以贝博体彩app的方式体验大麻. 沟通你的经验水平, 你的恐惧是什么, what you like, 还有你不知道的, 不要害怕向你的预算人提问. The cannabis scene in San Francisco was built on compassion, inclusion, community, and well-being. 欢迎大家!


Cannabis products come in many forms; flower, prerolls, mints, gummies, beverages, lubricants, hash, tinctures, vaporizers, capsules, topicals, and more. San Francisco cannabis shop menus are fun to comb through as they offer a wide selection of products, 通常来自当地制作的品牌. 花点时间做出选择,并享受其中的乐趣!  

大麻产品有多种功效, and it is good to shop knowing what experience you are seeking and what needs you are trying to address. 从富含四氢大麻酚到富含cbd, 大麻可以使人精力充沛或放松, presenting as a thought-provoking head high or a mellow body high depending on the cannabis cultivar (varietal) and product formulation. 一些产品提供平静和集中的体验, 而别人会让你微笑, giggling, and losing track of time as you indulge in San Francisco’s foodie delights or contemplate the meaning of an abstract art piece. Most products are marked, and many brands describe the anticipated effects right on their packaging. Feel free to take it a step further and chat with your budtender about your options until you find what suits you! 

Ganja Traveler Fun Fact: San Francisco is the gateway to the famous Emerald Triangle or the “place of source” for many top-shelf products. This northern California agricultural region is known for sun-grown small-batch craft cannabis and superior genetics, 包括来自世界各地难以找到的异国情调.


  • 进入时,请准备好您的身份证件. You must be 21 or older to purchase cannabis in California or 18 years or older with a valid cannabis medical card.
  • 有些商店会给你发一个号码,或者让你排队与预算员接洽.
  • 零售商店没有现场抽样或消费, 除非他们有一个连接的休息室.
  • 大多数商店都是按类别或品牌划分的,便于浏览. 不要让音量和选择吓到你. 时间在你这边,你可以随时向预算者寻求帮助.
  • First-time customers usually get a discount and there is always a special or two that may align with your exact needs.
  • 支付现金或借记卡+小额“四舍五入”费用. 由于大麻银行法,信用卡被广泛禁止.
258 Noe St.

Flore Store

Flore Store是一家股权拥有的精品大麻商店. 迷人的空间充满了自然的饰面,散发出温暖, enchanted redwood forest feel to match the top-shelf Humboldt-grown cannabis that takes center stage here. 除了他们无可挑剔的客户服务, Flore has their products on display so that you can examine and take in the aroma of the cannabis flower. 就像香水店一样,他们提供咖啡豆来中和你的嗅觉. 弗洛雷斯商店也是文化地标的所在地 The Cannabis Trail 那是为了庆祝 LGBTQ+ 大麻合法化的历史.

2029 Market St.

The Apothecarium

一家起源于贝博体彩app的传统大麻店,在东海岸有前哨, 选择从三个药房位置- the Marina, Castro, and SoMa. 作为《贝博体彩app》“最佳药房设计”奖得主, the Castro location shines so much that you may forget whether you are in a cannabis shop or a stylish hotel lobby. The Apothecarium sets the bar high for in-depth consultations and concierge-like customer service from reception through check-out. 也要关注他们的免费教育活动!

768 Stanyan St.


Harborside is a legacy cannabis shop that offers a well-curated menu and serves as the perfect jump off to the third most visited park in the United States: Golden Gate Park.  With an easy-in, easy-out location, 如果你发现自己在寻找大麻,海港是一个理想的地方 Haight Ashbury neighborhood. Big, bold words—“Knowledge Over Ignorance” and “Diversity Over Exclusion”—frame the wall next to the register and serve as a loving reminder of Harborside’s ethos.

Shop at Harborside
1335 Grant Ave.


目前唯一一家大麻店 North Beach 在贝博体彩app最古老的街道之一格兰特大道(Grant avenue)上,管道公司格外引人注目. From the hand-painted section labels to the vintage wallpaper laden with iconic San Francisco landmarks, 管道是贝博体彩app标志性魅力的温馨提醒. 他们知识渊博的, 细心的工作人员随时准备回答您关于他们大量产品的所有问题. Enjoy this unique North Beach experience and make time for an elevated visit to the neighboring City Lights Bookstore, 是垮掉的一代的大本营,也是文学和思想自由的长期守护者.

Shop at Pipeline
1685 Haight St.

Berner’s on Haight

Berner’s on Haight is a cannabis shop that specializes in premium indoor flower and products made by BIPOC-owned brands. 在伯纳餐厅,你会被邀请停下来,闻一闻大麻的花香. Let your nose guide you and take a whiff of the contactless flower jars atop the store’s round table centerpiece. 询问他们的招牌产品系列, Caps, 它将功能性蘑菇与CBD等大麻素混合在一起, CBG, and CBN. 虽然未来主义美学可能会让你想到明天的大麻, 这是该市第一家股权大麻店, 当你浏览灯火通明的展览时,这是一个值得欣赏的历史事实.

Shop at Berners
865 Market St.

Joy Reserve

位于布卢明戴尔百货公司旁边的韦斯特菲尔德商场, Joy Reserve is a cannabis product showroom and sampling bar experience where cannabis newbies will feel right at home. 入口处有一堵五颜六色的干花墙, 井然有序的产品货架让这里感觉像是一家真正的精品店. 产品种类繁多,并配有详细的教育展示. Curious shoppers are invited to browse, learn, and order products for 10-15-minute pick-up out front. 在你等待的时候,可以参观其他商店,或者在Joy Reserve的毛绒座椅上放松一下. 查看活动日历!

在Joy Reserve购物
828 Innes Ave.

Posh Green

Posh Green is the first equity cannabis shop in San Francisco owned independently by a woman of color. 因其高端的设计和一流的客户服务而被称为“大麻中的诺德斯特龙”, 时髦绿色接受退货,并致力于为您找到合适的产品. 精心策划的产品反映了主人 Reese Benton’s 医学背景,并为当地农民和生产者带来光明. 健康和教育是这里舒缓体验的核心. 询问他们的内部CBD产品线. 老年人和退伍军人凭身份证可享受9折优惠.

在Posh Green购物
3989 17th St.

Eureka Sky

当代和优雅,尤里卡天空可以在卡斯特罗区的心脏找到. 同性恋拥有和经营, Eureka Sky has a fantastic selection of CBD-rich products and unique cultivars from local growers. 如果你一直在寻找一种特定的菌株,你很有可能在这里找到它. Their well-trained staff has a reputation for providing visitors with caring recommendations and an unforgettable experience.

Shop at Eureka Sky
2627 Taylor St.


名字很巧的海藻店是伦敦唯一的大麻店 Fisherman’s Wharf. 离水边只有两个街区, visitors are welcomed by a green sea turtle mural and an all-out nautical theme throughout the shop. 以其高学历和友好的员工而闻名, 询问他们的每日特色菜和第一次的折扣. 参观结束后,下午在码头漫步, 哪里有贝博体彩app的特色美食和令人叹为观止的景色.

Shop at Seaweed
2161 Irving St.


日落管道悠闲的氛围提供了一个毫不费力的加州酷的体验. Comfy bar seats line the counter for customers looking to browse the menu or in need of a consultation with a friendly budtender. 日落管道拥有丰富的菜单,突出了黑人,LGBTQ+和bipoc拥有的品牌. 如果你想从你的贝博体彩app大麻经历中寻找一个旅行纪念品, 日落管道有一个有趣的商品线的图形t恤, hoodies, and hats.

1077 Post St.

Grass Roots

草根SF是贝博体彩app历史最悠久、获奖最多的大麻店之一. The reflective copper ceiling and rich wood tones throughout the floor and product shelving are reminiscent of the city’s roaring twenties. 有一个精心设计的布局,给老派药店点头, 草根有很好的价格, daily deals, 并提供广泛的行业领先品牌和产品选择. 他们的员工很有耐心,渴望把他们的专业知识借给所有的客户.

1933 Mission St.


一部分是美丽的花蕾博物馆,一部分是大麻商店,Medithrive是大麻花爱好者的梦想. 在这家现代时尚的大麻店,展示就是一切. 你可以近距离和个人在每一个转折点与他们的大量花蕾保持在手. From clear domes encasing individual buds under bright lights to a macro lens camera projecting flowers on 4K monitors, 你会被这种植物的光辉所吸引. 考虑到所有经验水平的客户, Medithrive上有各种各样的话题, edibles, and drinkables too!

Shop at Medithrive

Brian Applegarth

Brian是…的创始人 国际大麻旅游协会 (CTAI), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the sustainable evolution of cannabis and hemp travel globally. 他是一个经验丰富的世界旅行家, who seeks authentic and off-the-beaten track cultural experiences combined with cannabis and hemp-infused adventures. 布莱恩是一位值得信赖的顾问和顾问,为屡获殊荣的旅游目的地提供服务. 他热衷于文化保护, 可持续发展, 以及促进包容的变革性旅行体验, equity, and well-being. Brian is creating The Cannabis Trail, a nine-county cultural journey 那是为了庆祝 story of the cannabis legalization movement.

Part Of
The Golden Gate Bridge at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, new restaurants, special deals, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.